Toss a Pancake Competition

Toss a Pancake Competition

Toss-a-PAncake for your PA

Tuesday 16 February is PAncake day – the PA are running a competition to see how many times you can toss your PAncake. 

Make a PAncake in a PAn, 
Toss it over if you can, 

Then toss the PAncake up in the air, 
As many times, as you dare.

Catch it straight back in the PAn,
Then toss it again as much as you can.

Please send your video with the subject ‘I tossed my PAncake xx times’ 
(please insert number of total tosses) to [email protected] 

Closing date for entries Sunday 21 February – the prize winner will be announced the following week good luck!

The competition will be judged on the number of complete tosses and the least mess made!

The judges’ decision is final – please enjoy your PAncakes. 

Happy PAncake Day!

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