A Small Visitor in the Science Lab

A Small Visitor in the Science Lab

Nestled at the far end of the Caterham School site, the Prep School is fortunate to enjoy a special spot in the campus surrounded by the Wildcats area, impressive trees and the sounds of nature and the Prep Science lab is incredibly lucky in its positioning overlooking the bee hives and orchard development. We are often treated to a passing fox, scampering rabbit, meandering badger or cautious deer, however, this week we were honoured to have a new avian guest. This one was so emboldened and taken with the warmth of the Year 6s, he decided to pause a while to take in the lesson, and then take the brave step of venturing in through the open window, tempted by a clutch of conkers on the windowsill.

When ‘Jay’ realised the conkers were not especially edible, he was rather keen to make use of the dried remnants of the (dry but otherwise pristine) bread left from the mould experiment  He was the lucky recipient of a piece left over from the cold, dry conditions – so it was joyfully mould free.

We were all absolutely thrilled to be visited by ‘Jay’, who is a member of the Corvidae group of birds which include magpies. His striking blue flashes on his wings, buff plumage and curious eyes were closely studied by the class via their iPads!

Jay happily flew off with his bounty without incident and the window was pulled to a close!

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