A Taste of Senior School for Year 6

A Taste of Senior School for Year 6

Year 6 have had the opportunity to spend a bit of time at the senior school over the last week in preparation for their transition in September. On Friday 14 June, they were invited to take part in an English and maths lesson, carried out in the style of what to expect when they become First Years in September. They enjoyed learning about the effects of adverts in English and were introduced to a variety of notations in maths. They then stayed for lunch with the senior school catering staff kindly setting up the concourse, as this is where they will be having their lunch next year. 

On Monday 17 June, we again headed up to the senior school to meet First Year pupils who had made the transition from the Prep school last year. They were buddied up and then had the chance to discuss what to expect in the First Year. The ‘do’s and don’ts’ as well as what to look forward to and tips they have learnt as the year has gone by.

A great taste of what to expect next year!

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