Boys Football Season Kicks Off

Boys Football Season Kicks Off

Despite only being back a week, boys’ football was up and firing in style this week.  Year 3 took part in their first ever game at the Prep School in a fixture away at Banstead Prep.  The boys performed magnificently recording some fantastic results.  Having only seen the boys a couple of times we had some mixed teams with one team winning 7-5, one drawing 2-2 and the last game winning 12-0.  The boys displayed great team spirit and played some lovely football and their behaviour and conduct on the way to the game and during the matches is to be commended.  Well done boys.

On Wednesday, we put out 4 Colts teams against our friends from Banstead all at home.  It was a wonderful afternoon with the sun shining.  The boys worked hard from the first whistle and played some lovely passing football.  The A team won 5-0, the B team 2-0 then we had two more mixed games with Caterham coming out winners 2-0 and 3-2.

This has been a fantastic start to the football season, well done to all our players.

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