Caterham Prep Hosts World’s First Inter-School GoCube Tournament

Caterham Prep Hosts World’s First Inter-School GoCube Tournament

As part of our ongoing collaboration with the East Surrey Learning Partnership (ESLP), Caterham Prep will be hosting the world’s first inter-school GoCube tournament. Taking place on Wednesday 15 November, this pioneering competition will not only feature our local schools from the ESLP but will also be the prelude to potential national competitions slated for later in the year.

About the GoCube Tournament

For those unfamiliar, the GoCube is a ‘smart’ Rubik’s cube that allows users to learn and enhance their puzzle-solving skills, as well as timing solves to within a fraction of a second (as used for the official Rubik’s Cube World Championships for remote competitions during lockdown). This intelligent device connects to an app that records solve times and allows competitors to battle head-to-head in real-time. It’s an innovative approach that marries critical thinking with digital technology. We have been working closely with the creators as they develop educational uses for this and other devices such as the GoDice and GoChess (currently in development).

How to Participate

There are two levels of competition. Firstly, the ESLP competition qualifiers are now open and can be accessed by anyone in the Prep School by clicking here (you will find the password in Prep News). Parents, please note that this site requires a GoCube and a computer or laptop with Bluetooth or an Android device (in Desktop mode) to enter. Please note that it will not work on an iPad unless you install the Bluefy browser as Bluetooth connections will not work in Safari, Chrome or Edge etc. Children wishing to enter will first need to create an account at using their school email address so that we are able to identify who has qualified. It will not be used to send the children emails. For those wishing to practice, set times or go head-to-head in a pairs (without entering the event), the GoCube app will run on any iPad or phone.

Secondly, for those with a competitive edge and a GoCube at home (whatever their age), you can join the international fray for Particula’s first open digital tournament event featuring champion JS Cuber. You can register at The #1 Cubing Community | and find out more about JS Cuber at Introducing: JS Cuber – Official Partner | Cubing Corner.

At School Qualification

Children were told about the competition before half term and some have already begun logging their times using the school’s cubes or their own at home, but if you have a child who is keen to enter and doesn’t have a GoCube, please have them speak to Mr. Lang as there may still be time to log qualifying times before the event.

The event

While this event promises to be an educational and entertaining spectacle for those involved, it is also a moment to shine a spotlight on our young learners and the participating schools. So as not to disrupt the day for multiple schools, the event will not take place with great fanfare on the day and will not alter the timetable, with finalists meeting to face off rather than whole classes, but we hope that future events will be able to scale up once the groundwork has been laid. Whether participating or supporting, we wish our cubers well as they make history in this inaugural event. It is not just about who can solve the puzzle the fastest, but about the learning experience that comes from training and participating. We look forward to seeing our community come together for this (as-yet) unique event.

Finally, for those looking to buy their own cube (whether for the event or for upcoming gifts), Particula have given us another exclusive discount, valid until the end of November. Please see Prep News for the discount code..

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