Conservationalist Visits Eco Warriors

Conservationalist Visits Eco Warriors

Our Eco-Warriors were very fortunate to have a visiting speaker last week. Mrs Dunn, a marine-biologist and enthusiastic conservationist, came to speak to us about her work in Papua New Guinea for WWF. She explained how she had studied marine biology at university, then moved onto gaining her diving qualifications and used these together to do work for the WWF on a small island in Papua New Guinea.

The children were totally engaged in her talk and were thoroughly disappointed when the bell rang and they had to return to lessons. Many great questions were asked by the children who were keen to hear about different species of animals that she had encountered whilst on her diving trips. This led to a lot of interest in studying marine biology as a profession. Mrs Dunn also brought in her diving kit and allowed the children to feel it whilst she explained all the parts to them. 

Thank you Mrs Dunn, come back again soon! 

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