Cricketers Push on Through Weather to Success

Cricketers Push on Through Weather to Success

The U8 girls cricket teams pushed on despite the miserable weather conditions on Tuesday afternoon and came away with a victory for the U8A and a draw U8B.  Everyone has been working hard on their bowling technique and focus of the week was running the bat and communicating with their batting partner.  Great job all round and well done everyone for staying alert in the cold!  The damp conditions prevented Wednesday’s U10 and U11 fixtures from going ahead, but the sun shone brightly on Thursday afternoon for the U9s.  The A team batted well with boundaries from BB, Annika and Ava, setting the Micklefield to chase 244.  Settling into the bowling attack, Caterham kept it level after the first two overs but then precision bowling and a flurry of dot balls and wickets followed, Micklefield could not respond. Caterham held Micklefield to 222, taking the win. The B team was matched over the first 5 Caterham overs, with dots a plenty from Anna, Darcie and Evangelina. But it wasn’t quite enough and Micklefield took the win by 16 runs.  The C team also took a victory with lots of encouraging signs from the bat and ball.  Well done everyone.  Reigate St Mary will be the next opponents after half term.

Despite the pouring rain the U8 boys cricket teams managed to play some away fixtures against Banstead Prep on their astro pitch.  It was too wet to score so the boys just enjoyed some valuable match play and continued to develop their game.

The Colts matches unfortunately fell victim to the rain but on Thursday the U9s played some phenomenal cricket against Banstead winning two close games.  The fielding on display was incredible and two of the catches taken by Max and James were something to behold.  Well done boys.

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