Eco Clubs Across the School Meet Up

Eco Clubs Across the School Meet Up

This week our Year 6 eco-warriors and junior green team met to discuss current eco issues. This is their chance to have a voice about issues around Caterham Prep School and the wider community. Many wonderful ideas were discussed. The children are very excited that we have a SAMHE monitor in our school. This is used to measure the air quality in the classrooms. Each classroom will have a turn at hosting this device and the junior green team will be responsible for measuring the quality of the air. We then plan to introduce a plant into each classroom and monitor the quality of the air again to see if it changes. There is an app with plenty of activities around this device, which the Year 6 eco-warriors have been completing as part of their eco-warrior activities.  Our other focus at the moment is looking at ways in which we can keep ours seas clean so we are planning some activities around this too. 

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