Eco Warriors Build Turbines

Eco Warriors Build Turbines

The Year 6 Eco-Warrior club were delighted to welcome guest speaker, Jess McCafferty from EcoPowerSoft who led an engaging STEM session with the pupils. During this session, Jess guided them in creating their own wind-powered mini turbines using recyclable materials. 

The Eco Warriors thoroughly enjoyed the activity which encouraged them to embrace their eco-consciousness and become advocates for sustainable living. Upon completing the construction of their wind turbines, the pupils embarked on a series of experiments to evaluate the turbines’ efficiency. They used the turbines to lift a predetermined weight of sweets, aiming to assess how effectively their turbines generated energy. This experimental activity enabled them to apply scientific concepts they have learnt in class and witness the practical implications of their creations first hand.

Thank you to Ms. McCafferty for a brilliant visit with us!

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