Languages Day Celebrates our Diversity

Languages Day Celebrates our Diversity

On Friday 24 May we had our Language Day in School. So many nationalities were represented with an array of amazing outfits from all over the world. Each class were given a language activity to work on including German, Shona, Mandarin and more. 

Just before lunch in our assembly, all the children from Years 3 to 6 sang a beautiful French song, which they had been learning in their music lessons. We were then treated to a range of different languages spoken by pupils in our school as they counted for us or told us the colours or about the weather. We heard from various children who spoke to us in Spanish, Punjabi, Urdu, German, Shona, Hungarian, Persian, Hindi, Mandarin and Swedish. Mrs Datta, very kindly, came over from the senior school and modelled a conversation with Johanna in Year 5 about the weather in German.

The children enjoyed going to lunch and seeing the menu translated into many languages around the dining hall. These languages included Greek, Italian, Spanish, French and many more. It was a wonderfully global day!

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