Ready Steady Cookers

Ready Steady Cookers

Last week, our amazing catering department visited with a Ready, Steady, Cook Assembly. Chef James was incredible as he led the school through healthy eating habits as well as reminding the children about each of the different food types. Many children were able to volunteer excellent answers to his questions. After ensuring that all the children had a sound knowledge of food groups, some Year 6 pupils and two teachers came up for the cooking challenge. The Red Team was made up of Anya, Kohana and Mrs Chattaway, whilst the Green Team comprised Mr Snow, Ishaani and Aarya. Each team was presented with some ingredients, a recipe and all the equipment they required, along with a safety talk about how to use it. A timer was set for 15 minutes and their task was to create the recipe and present it. Whilst the food preparation was going on, the rest of the school were invited up (in small groups) to view the cooking action and share their opinions ahead of the all-important final vote for a winning team. After an extremely tense 15 minutes, both groups presented their final work of art. The penultimate test was a small tasting group from each year. Finally, a sound meter was used to measure the cheers for each team. It was incredibly close, but the Red Team were declared the winners. The children thoroughly enjoyed the assembly and huge thanks must go to Chef James and all of the catering team for their hard work.


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