Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

To mark Remembrance Day, Year 6 performed a special assembly for the rest of the Prep School.  They showcased all their learning about the origins of Remembrance Day, including the work they have done about the First World War.  They performed short scenes from the novel they have been studying – Private Peaceful – which they adapted and rehearsed in their drama lessons. They gave moving and impressive performances of a number of war poems, including In Flanders Fields, For the Fallen, My Boy Jack and To Germany.  They showcased some of their writing about the causes of World War I and the monologues they have written inspired by ‘over the top’, as well as their artwork on a similar theme.  Stella gave an extremely moving performance of the anthem for peace, ‘Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream’, and they ended the assembly with ‘We’ll Meet Again’.  The rest of the children and staff in the Prep School were captivated and impressed by their professionalism, sense of respect and sensitive reflection on this important day.  Well done Year 6.

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