Season Kicks Off for our NetCats!

Season Kicks Off for our NetCats!

It’s been a wet and windy week of matches v The Hawthorns, as the girls kicked off the Netball season. The U8s battled the elements playing the Flier format 4 v 4, with a key focus on marking and driving into space; still lots to learn but it’s great to be out on the court and playing the game! The U10s played a triangular against Hawthorns and Hazelwood, wins this week for the B and C teams. The U11A had a tough match, with Hawthorns taking the win on this occasion, the B’s narrowly missed out losing 4-6 and the C’s came away with a 7-6 win- special shout out to Natasha C for some fantastic shooting. The U9s closed the week narrowly avoiding the downpour; there were some super-linked passes evident on the ‘A’ court and the opposition coach commended the Caterham team on their quick turnovers –  we now need to convert in the circle. Great enthusiasm also from the B and C teams, staying focused throughout the match and close marking are targets for the next game.

Next week we have matches against Caterham U12s, Russell House and St John’s. Well done everyone! Go Prep NetCats!


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