Super Science

Super Science

This week, Year 6 have been hands on investigating the wonders of the PH scale. They have tested all sorts of acids and alkalis to complete their charts.

Year 5 scientists have completed their May the FORCES Be With You Science Challenges- the Kyber Krystals have been taken to their extraction point. They had to design experiments to determine the best path to take, using different surfaces and recording the times taken. Once the path was chosen, the rebel teams reached a river and the scientists had to advise on what would be the best design of boat to travel across in shortest period. Below you can see their research in action! 

Year 3 scientists have been investigating the question: How can I use different sized marshmallows to make a figure? They worked out that it needed a skeleton and learnt about the different parts of the human skeleton. Did you know the adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones! Wow!


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