Year 4 Hold the Fort at Henley

Year 4 Hold the Fort at Henley

After a quick coach journey to Guildford, the Year 4 pupils trekked up the hill, taking in beautiful views of Guildford and the countryside, to Henley Fort. A quick site brief was followed by group tasks showing excellent teamwork, co-operation and communication to successfully complete their activities. It was then a case of all hands on deck when as a team, they had to make their beds in their yurts. Various levels of success occurred but teamwork was key with those able to do this, helping others.

An evening hike with the sun shining allowed pupils to spot the shard and other buildings from London’s famous skyline. They collected firewood for the campfire and played some amazing team building games including a running form of true or false with some very interesting facts learnt! All the pupils settled down for the evening and were fast asleep by 9.30pm. 

An early rise the next morning, started with a cooked breakfast then off to activities including the climbing wall, bouldering, archery, orienteering and woodland survival. All the pupils had success in pushing themselves to go higher on the climbing wall and persevered to create fire. 

The second evening ensued with roasting marshmallows on a campfire with some fun songs and a lively game of kick rounders. A slightly earlier night and the second fun packed day was over. 

A final cooked breakfast and onto the last activities. A final push showing excellent teamwork and communication skills, learning powers recognised by each pupil over the residential and a final walk to the coach home. The pupils behaved magnificently throughout, helping each other, becoming more independent and developing a sense of pride and achievement in themselves and others.

Well done to all the pupils! The Henley Fort teacher team are proud of you! 

Mr Dyer

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