Year 6 Digital Innovation – Paper View

Year 6 Digital Innovation – Paper View

After months of planning, research, discussion and skills-acquisition, Year 6 have begun work on their original apps, designed to run on a real phone (or iPad). Their first task was to create a feature grid to establish their development priorities and help them to develop a ‘MVP’ (Minimum Viable Product). With this created, they worked in their teams to create a ‘paper app’ or ‘wireframe’ to help them organise their ideas and mock out using the finished app so they could work out the arrangements for buttons, screens and other options.

With the active planning done, the teams have laid out their initial screens and are hard at work producing buttons, sprites, lists and all sorts of components and beginning to find the code to link them all together. Teamwork, planning and commitment are paramount as development kicks into full gear!

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