Year 6 Wind Power Project

Year 6 Wind Power Project

On Friday 14 January, Year 6 scientists saw the culmination of their hard work on their STEM project – Floating Wind Turbine platforms. Mr Elmes of Siemens Gamesa came in to help judge these incredible projects, using a filled pool at the front of Prep. The pupils were able to launch their designs into the rigorous testing environment and watch the results. This included a ‘storm test’ which involved Mr Elmes using a 1m ruler and subjecting the designs to five large waves. Most (not all) survived. A combination of stability, security and buoyancy was needed to hold up the 340g built electric turbines. 

Congratulations go to team Wind Worthy- Florrie, Lauren, Beth, Zach and Bailey, our winning scientists. Their design matched the three criteria points – must not sink, no lean of more than 15 degrees during storm subjection allowed and an easily integrated docking port for the turbine. Their combination of swimming aid, plastic bottles, inventive docking port and weighted sand bags proved a real success under testing conditions.

This was a wonderful way to investigate the challenges that are faced at an industrial level and we are very grateful to Mr Elmes for bringing this project to life for us at Caterham Prep. 

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