Embracing Languages

MFL Category

Embracing Languages

For the past few weeks all of the children from Year 2-6 have been battling it out on Languagenut...

Languages Day Celebrates our Diversity

On Friday 24 May we had our Language Day in School. So many nationalities were represented with an array...

Year 6 Head to France

On Friday 15 March, Year 6 went to France. In preparation for the trip we practised our French vocabulary...

EDGE – Learning Mandarin

In EDGE lessons this term, Year 6 are logging in to live Mandarin lessons with the Link Academy.  Every...

Spanish Starters and Speakers

Year 6 have enjoyed discovering the joys of the Spanish language. Mr Parker and Ms Ellis have been introducing...

Reception Chat with Jacques

This week the pre-prep pupils have been exploring the world of emotions and communication in their MFL lessons. Guided...

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